

85 cm long measures the latest furniture (manifesto?) by Alejandro Aravena for Vitra; with an explicit use of the Spanish word for furniture (mueble), directly linked to the mobile.

Based on the no-tech chair used by Ayoreo Indians in Paraguay, consisting of a simple piece of string tying up knees and back, Chairless provides a comfortable and simple rest.

Analog to instinctive gestures, such as using one's hand to cover the face against sun-rays, this chair lets your hands free while sitting on a natural position. A nomad atavistic chair, which recovers lost traces of inherited culture for today's everyday life.

Quoted from: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/Tendencias/silla/dura/suelo/elpepitdc/20100413elpepitdc_2/Tes

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