
10 Latin Phrases You Pretend to Understand

  • 1. Caveat Emptor
    (KAV-ee-OT emp-TOR): “Let the buyer beware”
  • 2. Persona Non Grata
    (puhr-SOH-nah non GRAH-tah): “An unacceptable person”
  • 3. Habeas Corpus
    (HAY-bee-as KOR-pus): “You have the body”
  • 4. Cogito Ergo Sum
    (CO-gee-toe ER-go SOME): “I think, therefore I am”
  • 5. E Pluribus Unum
    (EE PLUR-uh-buhs OOH-nuhm): “Out of many, one”
  • 6. Quid Pro Quo
    (kwid proh KWOH): “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”
  • 7. Ad Hominem
    (ad HAH-mi-nem): “To attack the man”
  • 8. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
    (ad-MA-yor-em DAY-ee GLOR-ee-um): “All for the Greater Glory of God”
  • 9. Memento Mori
    (meh-MEN-toh MOR-ee): “Remember, you must die”
  • 10. Sui Generis
    (SOO-ee JEN-er-is): “Of its own genus,” or “Unique and unable to classify”

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