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Canım Hürriyet'im, Otur Sıfır!
"Tara Shears, who works on the LHCb detector at Cern, said. “
It’s like turning up to a railway station to pick someone up who you’ve never met before. You arrive at the station, the train comes in, and there’s someone standing on the platform. You’re guessing it’s them, but you’re not going to know until you walk up and check who they are.”
"Liverpool Üniversitesi fizikçisi Tara Shears da, durumu, “Yeni parçacığı görmek aslında uzun bir yolculuğun başlangıcı.
Bu, bir demiryolunu tanımadığınız birini almak için döndürmeye benzer. İstasyona varırsını ve platformda birileri vardır. Onları yaklaşana kadar tanıyamazsınız” sözleriyle açıkladı".
turn up
1 to be found, especially by chance, after being lostDon't worry about the letter—I'm sure it'll turn up.2 (of a person) to arrive We arranged to meet at 7:30, but she never turned up. 3 (of an opportunity) to happen, especially by chanceHe's still hoping something (= for example, a job or a piece of luck) will turn up.Döndür Hürriyet, döndürrrrrrr
Otur sıfır.